T&H Films
We’ve been publishing educational content since 2006; below you’ll find a listing of our video, audio, and film productions; the most recent are at the top, and our first ventures into visual media, are at the bottom.
T&H YouTube Page: YouTube.com/TragedyandHopeMag
The Peace Revolution Podcast (2009-Present)
The Tragedy and Hope online research community (2009-Present)
The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness (Some episodes are Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
Big Banks Too Rich for Jail: Interview with HSBC bank whistleblower & author John Cruz
T&H 101 with author Joe Plummer
The Silk Road leads to the Banking Monopoly with Lyn Ulbricht
The Trivium and Empire with Brett Veinotte and Kevin Cole
(Post Production) America and the Anglo-Saudi Relationship with John Loftus
The Peace Revolution Podcast (2009-Present)
The Tragedy and Hope online research community (2009-Present)
The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness (Some episodes are Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
The Porcupine Freedom Festival 2015 aka PorcFest XII: 29 interviews on Freedom, Justice, and Liberty
Technocracy Rising: Interview with author Patrick Wood
Freedom Rising: Interview with Ernest Hancock of Freedom’s Phoenix dot com
The Peace Revolution Podcast (2009-Present)
The Tragedy and Hope online research community (2009-Present)
The Future of Freedom with NSA Whistleblower William Binney (100K + views)
History… So It Doesn’t Repeat (Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
(Live) T&H Casual Cafe (Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
T&H Live Interviews (Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
The Peace Revolution Podcast (2009-Present)
The Tragedy and Hope online research community (2009-Present)
State of Mind: The Psychology of Control (co-production with Free Mind Films)
We are prepared for a new paradigm. Will we choose our own paths or have one selected for us? State Of Mind unveils the answers that may decide whether humankind will fulfill its destiny or be forever shackled to its own creation.
Features appearances by Alex Jones, Jon Rappaport, G Edward Griffin, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dr. Colin Ross, Dr. Eldon Taylor, Richard Grove, Craig Roberts, Doug Valentine, Kurt Haskell, Bruce Levine and Anthony Schaeffer.
History… So It Doesn’t Repeat (Series) Official YouTube Playlist:
History… The Origins of the U.S. Intelligence Community & Why It Spies on Americans
History… Interview: Jason Bermas “Transitioning from Apathy to Activism in the Digital Age”
History… Interview and a Movie: Experience JoyCamp and Escape the Orwellian Brave New World
History… Interview with G. Edward Griffin “The Individual vs. The Collective”
History… Interview w/ Jon Rappoport “How to Analyze News from Watergate to Benghazi”
History… Interview and a Movie: Larken Rose premieres the Director’s Cut of “It Can’t Happen Here!”
History… Connected: Research Discussion on First Principles of Philosophy
History… Connected: Research Discussion on MKULTRA, Cybernetics, and Social Control
History… Debate: Stefan Molyneux vs. Tom Willcutts (“Is Government fundamentally Immoral?”)
History… Debate: Larken Rose vs. Tom Willcutts (“Government” & “Authority” vs. “Autonomy”)
History… Connected: The Trivium Method vs. The Classical Trivium / a Briefing by Kevin Cole
History… So It Doesn’t Repeat (Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
(Live) T&H Casual Cafe (Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
T&H Live Interviews (Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
The Peace Revolution Podcast (2009-Present)
The Tragedy and Hope online research community (2009-Present)
History… So It Doesn’t Repeat (Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
(Live) Navigating Netflix (Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
(Live) T&H Casual Cafe (Exclusive Content for Subscribers Only)
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (200,000+ Views)
Subtitled: A 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling
Publication Date: 2012
USA PURCHASERS: The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) 4-Disc DVD set
$55.00 + $6.25 U.S. shipping (USPS Priority Mail with Tracking #) = $61.25
[wp_cart:The Ultimate History Lesson 4-Disc DVD set (US Shipping):price:$61.25:end]
*If you instead desire the HD Blu-Ray Version of this film, please indicate as such in the “note to seller” when checking out via PayPal.
CANADIAN PURCHASERS: The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) 4-Disc DVD set
$55.00 + $19.95 shipping to CANADA via (USPS Priority Mail with Tracking #) = $74.95
[wp_cart:The Ultimate History Lesson 4-Disc DVD set (CANADIAN SHIPPING):price:$74.95:end]
*If you instead desire the HD Blu-Ray Version of this film, please indicate as such in the “note to seller” when checking out via PayPal.
PURCHASERS IN THE UK, EUROPE, ASIA, & ALL OTHER COUNTRIES: The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) 4-Disc DVD set
$55.00 + $24.95 shipping to the UK, EUROPE, ASIA, & ALL OTHER COUNTRIES via (USPS Priority Mail with Tracking #) = $79.95
[wp_cart:The Ultimate History Lesson 4-Disc DVD set (GLOBAL Shipping):price:$79.95:end]
*If you instead desire the HD Blu-Ray Version of this film, please indicate as such in the “note to seller” when checking out via PayPal.
Alternatively, you can also find The Ultimate History Lesson DVD set listed on Amazon.com.

You can click the link above to visit the page for this film, or click this photograph to purchase @ The Ultimate History Lesson dot com
The Peace Revolution Podcast (2009-Present)
The Tragedy and Hope online research community (2009-Present)
Memories of a Political Prisoner: An Interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven (Oxford & Cambridge)
Logic, Fallacies, and the Trivium: An Interview with Jan Irvin
Navigating Netflix 02: “Idiocracy” (Starring: Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, and Dax Shepard)
Navigating Netflix 01: “The Experiment” (Starring Adrien Brody, and Forest Whitaker)
Secret Societies: An Institutional Analysis
The Peace Revolution Podcast (2009-Present)
The Tragedy and Hope online research community (2009-Present)
What You’ve Been Missing (WYBM) episode 01: Exposing the Noble Lie
The Insider: Film, Literature, and the New World Order by James Corbett (featuring Richard Grove)
20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline (A Wall Street whistleblower proves that money never sleeps.)
The Peace Revolution Podcast (2009-Present)
The Tragedy and Hope online research community (2009-Present)
Broken Trust: Wall Street’s Dead End
Anthology of American Apathy in the 21st Century
We Are Change interviews Richard Grove
Hijacking Humanity: The Cause of Effect by Paul Verge (featuring Richard Grove)
The War Against Us All / Volume 2
The War Against Us All / Volume 1
Beginning with Project Constellation, and evolving to create The 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast, we discovered the need to communicate beyond the realm of mp3 audio, and thereby undertook the study of how to employ film and video to communicate at a higher level with our audience. That being read, if you’re starting here and watching these films in the order they were produced; you’re a brave soul, as our message was a lot more polished than our film-producing capabilities. You should expect that as you witness our clumsiness (in learning how to compose and produce films), that what you’ll see will improve,as you near the top of the list! Thank you for tuning-in, and not dropping-out!