Peace Revolution episode 093: Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy
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Reference Map to Peace Revolution episode 093: Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy
To download these notes in a handy PDF, CLICK HERE.
- (0-5mins) Rep Alan Grayson: “Which Foreigners Got the Fed’s $500,000,000,000?” Bernanke: “I Don’t Know.” on 1/2 Trillion Missing
- (5m-10m) Ron Paul, Voluntaryist
- (10m-10m30s) Ayn Rand | The Final Struggle between Capitalism and Socialism
- (10m30s-14m) Welfare State in Social Democracy
- (14m-16m) Bernie Sanders Healthcare
- (16m-17m) Milton Friedman response to Sanders
- (17m-21m) Benefits Cap is forcing me to Work – UK
- (21m-22m) Murray Rothbard | The Libertarian Solution to Welfare
- (22m-23m) What is Laissez Faire Economics?
- (23m-26m) Why Work? Welfare Addiction in Handout-Hungry UK
- (26m-37m) Milton Friedman| The Roots of the Welfare State
- (37m-42m) 9 Trillion Missing from Federal Reserve Bank says the Fed Inspector General
- (42m-43m) Murray Rothbard | The Death of Keynesian Economics
- (43m-51m) A Libertarian View of Welfare | John Stossel & Friends on Fox News
- (51m-54m) Black Budget US govt clueless about missing Pentagon Trillions
- (54m-56m) Donald Rumsfeld says Govt not smart enough to regulate
- (56m-1h18m) Defining Libertarianism and Austrian Economics with Walter Block
- (1h18m-1h20m) Murray Rothbard on the Global Central Govt and Global Central Bank (During Q&A at the end)
- (1h20m-1h23m) Rep Alan Grayson – $12 Trillion Gone – and No One Punished
- (1h23m-1h26m) Every American owes $60,000.00 | Rand Paul on the National Debt
- (1h26m-1h29m) Ron Paul describing Murray Rothbard
- (1h29m-1h31m) Murray Rothbard | On the history of Tax Rebellions
- (1h31m-1h36m) Free Market Masters: Ludwig von Mises
- (1h36m-1h39m) Voluntaryism
- (1h39m-1h48m) Murray Rothbard | The Identity of the State
- (1h48m-1h48m30s) Ayn Rand explains the Non-Aggression Principle
- (1h48m30s-1h49m) Ron Paul | Is the Role of Government to Police the World?
- (1h49m-1h50m) Murray Rothbard | Isolationism and Jefferson’s desire to disband Military
- (1h50m-1h52m) Black Budget(sample 2)
- (1h52m-1h53m) Ron Paul “I Like Voluntaryism”
- (1h53m-1h56m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism”
- (1h56m-2h04m) Mike Wallace, Milton Friedman, Donald Rumsfeld discussing the Free Market and Laissez Faire trade Policy
- (2h04m-2h10m) Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism | Anarcho-Capitalism
- (2h10m-2h13m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 1000 “Nobody Should be Big Daddy”
- (2h13m-2h18m) U.S. Debt Crisis Explained
- (2h18m-2h21m) Ayn Rand educates Phil Donohue on Free Market Economics
- (2h21m-2h23m) Murray Rothbard on Ayn Rand
- (2h23m-2h28m) Jordan Peterson | Ideology and Democide
- (2h28m-2h30m) Bill Buppert | Stoicism(Sample)
- (2h30m-2h31m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (Counter-Economics sample)
- (2h31m-2h32m) Mark Dice – Safe Spaces
- (2h32m-2h34m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 998 (Sample)
- (2h34m-2h37m) InternetAristocrat’s Guide to SJW’s (Social Justice Warriors)
- (2h37m-2h38m) Occupy Richmond – Intro to the Progressive Stack
- (2h38m-2h49m) The Progressive Con
- (2h49m-2h53m) Sargon of Akkad: Antifa & Anarcho-Communism
- (2h53m-3h04m) Murray Rothbard | The Death Wish of the Anarcho-Communists (1970)
- (3h04m-3h08m) Sargon of Akkad: Antifa Tactics – Black Bloc
- (3h08m-3h13m) The Five Universal Laws of Stupidity – Lionel
- (3h13m-3h17m) Gad Saad | Triggers and Safe Spaces and SJW Bubbles
- (3h17m-3h22m) Jordan Peterson | Political Tribalism Explained
- (3h22m-3h23m) Vice News | Coverage of the Chaos in Charlottesville
- (3h23m-3h24m) Fox News | Charlottesville Police called off when Violence Erupted
- (3h24m-3h29m) Candice Owens | How the Media Encourages Division and Violence
- (3h29m-3h33m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 998 (Sample)
- (3h33m-3h49m) Millennials in the Workplace & Internet Addiction | Simon Sinek (author)
- (3h48m-4h19m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
- MeruDocumentary Film (Wikipedia)
- (4h19m-4h46m) Richard’s reading of highlights from chapter 1 of the 2001 publication “Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State” by Sheldon Richman (Foreword by Congressman Ron Paul)
- (4h46m-6h16m) How Murray Rothbard became a Libertarian
- (6h16m-7h01m) What I Learned from Murray Rothbard – Tom Woods
- This presentation got Tom attacked by the Libertarian (Political) Party, as detailed in the last component of this episode @ 19h28m-End.
- (7h01m-7h35m) Liberty and Economics – Ludwig von Mises
- (7h35m-8h30m) Ludwig von Mises’s Contributions to Economics – Bob Murphy
- (8h30m-9h36m) The Founding of the Federal Reserve – Murray N. Rothbard
- (9h36m-10h19m) 6 Reasons Libertarians Should Reject the Non-Aggression Principle – Rebutted! by Stefan Molyneux
- (10h19m-11h10m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism”
- (11h10m-12h26m) Introduction to Objectivism – Leonard Piekoff
- (12h26m-13h10m) Common Arguments to Voluntarism Rebutted – Stefan Molyneux
- (13h10m-13h47m) Stoicism: Question Obedience by Bill Buppert
- New Libertarian Manifesto by Samuel Edward Konkin, III; read by John Lothe
- (15h11m-15h58m) Agorism Debate – Samuel Edward Konkin, III (SEK3), view source to find other speakers at the debate
- (15h58m-17h42m) Reading of “Agorist Primer” by Samuel Edward Konkin, III (SEK3)
- (17h42m-19h28m) David Friedman | A Consequentialist Theory of Anarcho-Capitalism
- (19h28m-20h22m) Tom Woods on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancockdiscussing how the Libertarian Party (Political Group founded in early 1970’s) has completely abandoned primary tenets of Libertarianism.
- Juxtapose the foundational elements mentioned earlier in this episode with the current takeover of leadership and that leadership leading Libertarians toward the traditional status quo, negating and neglecting the valuable lessons of von Mises and Rothbard.
- Part 2 of this conversation was published just moments after I was finishing this episode, with Libertarian Party chairman Nick Sarwark providing his side of the story.
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2015-Present: The Future of Freedom (Richard’s current documentary project)
2015-Present: The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness
2013: State of Mind: The Psychology of Control (documentary) | Co-Production with Free Mind Films, a study of how words are used to control human beings.
2012-2013: History (So It Doesn’t Repeat) | 2-season deep-dive into the Underground History of America and its Foreign Policies
2012: The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto | 5-Hour Crash Course on Modern Public Schooling
2010: What You’ve Been Missing (Pilot Episode) | A perennial favorite of T&H fans, this creative project has inspired many to think, learn, and grow in the light direction.
The Peace Revolution Podcast Curriculum
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Each episode contains a subject of study essential to a comprehensive understanding of reality; all of which is focused on providing you with the history, context, references, and the various methods and tools, so that you can learn for yourself, that which public schools cannot afford to provide.
The Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
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T&H teaches a method based system which can be applied to all of these areas of life-skills, via a simple 3-step process called the Trivium Method.
9-11 Synchronicity Podcast
From 2006-2009 Richard produced the 9-11 SYNCHRONICITY podcast. With over 120+ hours of educational curriculum for adults, The 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast was designed to provide the audience with a successive series of streams of consciousness; wherein individuals exercise their discernment with respect to historical and philosophic arguments, while simultaneously expanding attention spans.
The 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast uses historical events to act as a lens, through which individuals can learn how to think critically about world events and foreign policy. This empowers your mind to form clear perspectives based on logic, reason, rationality, and compassion.
T&H Liberty Threads | Original Designs
We decided that we’d rather make our own design statements about Intellectual Self-Defense and Cognitive Liberty to spark conversations. Currently the T&H shop on TeeSpring has 8 designs, for men and women, in a variety of colors and sizes to suit your need.
Show your love for freedom with these Liberty-Inspired designs by Richard Grove & Greg Hardesty.
The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto
Get the definitive 5-hour interview with famed author & celebrated school teacher, John Taylor Gatto. Learn how schooling has been designed to rob children of their individuality and how self-education can restore curiosity and inspire real learning created by asking substantial questions and learning how to identify relevant and factual answers.
Don’t go into debt for college until you see this amazing interview! (Hint: You’re not likely to want to go into debt for a college education after seeing what else is possible) You can buy it here from T&H, or on Amazon (who takes 50% for themselves).
We also recommend reading Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer as a guidebook to Professor Carroll Quigley’s 2 primary books on the topics we study here at T&H: The Anglo-American Establishment and Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our Time.
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