Peace Revolution episode 078: Rise of the Whistleblowers / How Freedom becomes Free Again
Author: Lisa Arbercheski•December 8, 2013
Tags:078, again, becomes, binney, chris duane, edmonds, edward, episode, ernie, free, freedom, Gallagher, government, grove, hancock, how, Neil, nsa, of, peace, podcast, revolution, richard, Rise, russell, security, sibel, snowden, spying, state, the, tice, whistleblowers, william
T+H Podcasts
Lisa Arbercheski
Peace Revolution episode 078: Rise of the Whistleblowers / How Freedom becomes Free Again
Reference Map to Episode 078
(0m-1m) John Lennon: Insane People Control the Planet
(1m-2m) Despotism (1946) Encyclopedia Britannica Public Service Announcement
(2m-3m) DNI James Clapper says the NSA doesn’t spy on Americans
(3m-11m) NSA Utah Data Center will have 5 Zettabytes of Memory
(11m-12m) Rasputin and the Empress
(12m-16m) DNI James Clapper won’t lead NSA review
(16m-21m) Whistleblower: Juice News / Rap News Edward Snowden
(21m-32m) NSA Recruiting session Q&A
(32m-35m) Simon Sinek: Leadership and Confidence
(35m-47m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(47m-2h20m) Congressman Neil Gallagher: A Profile in Courage
(2h20m-2h33m) Richard Clarke CIA did 9-11
(2h33m-3h32m) NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake speaks at the National Press Club
(3h32m-3h44m) NSA Whistleblower William Binney “Everyone in the U.S. is under surveillance”
(3h44m-5h05m) NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice goes on the record and reveals new information
(5h05m-5h15m) NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden
(5h15m-6h19m) FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds blows the whistle on Government Blackmailing
(6h19m-8h16m) DYI with Ernie Hancock: Richard Grove and Chris Duane discuss Self-Reliance
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Reference Map to Episode 078
(0m-1m) John Lennon: Insane People Control the Planet
(1m-2m) Despotism (1946) Encyclopedia Britannica Public Service Announcement
(2m-3m) DNI James Clapper says the NSA doesn’t spy on Americans
(3m-11m) NSA Utah Data Center will have 5 Zettabytes of Memory
(11m-12m) Rasputin and the Empress
(12m-16m) DNI James Clapper won’t lead NSA review
(16m-21m) Whistleblower: Juice News / Rap News Edward Snowden
(21m-32m) NSA Recruiting session Q&A
(32m-35m) Simon Sinek: Leadership and Confidence
(35m-47m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(47m-2h20m) Congressman Neil Gallagher: A Profile in Courage
(2h20m-2h33m) Richard Clarke CIA did 9-11
(2h33m-3h32m) NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake speaks at the National Press Club
(3h32m-3h44m) NSA Whistleblower William Binney “Everyone in the U.S. is under surveillance”
(3h44m-5h05m) NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice goes on the record and reveals new information
(5h05m-5h15m) NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden
(5h15m-6h19m) FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds blows the whistle on Government Blackmailing
(6h19m-8h16m) DYI with Ernie Hancock: Richard Grove and Chris Duane discuss Self-Reliance
Would You Like to Know More?
See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
And of course:
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom