9-11: Who Killed John O’Neill? (2006) / WKJO

Author: Richard GroveSeptember 11, 2006
Tags:11, 2001, 2006, 9-11, aig, bin, cia, constellation, fbi, greenberg, grove, hank, jeff, john, killed, kroll, laden, marsh, mclennan, oneill, osama, project, rauber, richard, ryan, september, thurston, ty, who, wkjo

Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history, at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities – and multiple personalities – he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask: “Who Killed John O’Neill?”

Producer & Director: Ty Rauber
Writer & Performer: Ryan Thurston


One Actor, One Room, Seven Characters: 9/11.

Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history, at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities – and multiple personalities – he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask: “Who Killed John O’Neill?”

Producer & Director: Ty Rauber
Writer & Performer: Ryan Thurston

9/11 SYNCHRONICITY episode 008 with Ty Rauber, Richard Grove, and Jan Irvin:



See Also: Project Constellation: Connect the Dots, See the Big Picture by Richard Grove (2006)

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