The War Against Us All (Volume 1)
Production Date: 2007

Before creating T&H, Richard Grove created the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast.
Produced & Edited by: Richard Grove
Directed by: Richard Grove
Runtime: 1 1/2 hours on 1 DVD
Summary: “The War Against Us All: Practical Solutions to Mankind’s Problematic Future, is a 5-hour, 2-DVD stream of consciousness, illustrating the myriad of problems we face as human beings, and the commencement of a journey to discover and proliferate plausible solutions. TWAUA Part 1 was released on July 22, 2007 (the 3rd Anniversary of the 9/11 Commission Report), and TWAUA Part 2 was published in August 2007. That being read, these are my first 2 video compositions, and reflect my attempt to evolve beyond simply speaking my message through audio; I sought to create cinematic media which would enable more people, to see more clearly, more efficiently, than I could through my podcast at the time. The ideas, premises, arguments, and documentation are beyond reasonable doubt, but my ability to edit and produce a feature-length documentary are somewhat elementary. If you can make it through these preliminary steps into making educational media, you’ll be able to tolerate any of our more recent productions; it only gets better from here.” – Richard Grove
This interview also includes solutions, documents, and references; asking only that you consider the information – THINK FOR YOURSELF – and communicate with others in order to share a higher-level of awareness, thus protecting ourselves from financial predators. This presentation is offered as a public service of the subscribers of the Tragedy and Hope online community, which is an international research and study group, composed of individuals who have screened our productions, and seek to take the next-steps in enacting strategic solutions.
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