The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto
Quote from a viewer of The Ultimate History Lesson, on June 18, 2013:
“Hello Richard. I finally carved out about three hours of time to carefully examine your interview with John Taylor Gatto. Bravo! Excellent! Congratulations!” – G. Edward Griffin, author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island”
If you’ve screened “State of Mind: The Psychology of Control“, you’re ready for The Ultimate History Lesson, which further illustrates Who, How, and Why we here in America, and Around the World, are being Dumbed Down. It’s not a coincidence, it’s a business agenda. Learning’s the Answer. What’s the Question?
Subtitled: A 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling

The Ultimate History Lesson comes in many forms and formats, click this photo to visit the UHL store catalog.
Publication Date: 2012
Summary: Former NYC and New York State School Teacher of the Year (John Taylor Gatto) illustrates HOW and WHY our public schools are dumbing us down… and what We can do about it. This interview also includes solutions, documents, and references; asking only that you consider the information – THINK FOR YOURSELF – and communicate with others in order to share a higher-level of awareness, thus protecting ourselves from financial predators. This presentation is offered as a public service of the subscribers of the Tragedy and Hope online community, which is an international research and study group, composed of individuals who have screened our productions, and seek to take the next-steps in enacting strategic solutions.
From the back-cover: “When John Taylor Gatto resigned from his job, he did so on the Op-Ed page of the Wall Street Journal. At the time, he was NYC and NY State “Teacher of the Year”. Herein, with more than 200 footnotes, and more than 30 classic texts referenced; this 5-hour interview session, memorializing John’s research, publications, and life experiences, forms an impeccable family resource and reference library of The Underground History of American Education. Each hour focuses on examining the evolution of ideas, which manifest today in the phenomenon of public schooling. By dissecting the history and presenting you with the references, you’re left at the end of each hour, with a copious amount of information to digest; from which you can continue your own personal journey of discovery.”
Shortly after filming the Ultimate History Lesson, John Taylor Gatto suffered a debilitating stroke. Tragedy and Hope has helped to raise funds for his medical needs, as John continues to recover. Here’s the link to his official recovery fund: The John Taylor Gatto Medical Fund dot com
For Your Home Archives:
The Ultimate History Lesson on DVD & BLU RAY HD
USA PURCHASERS: The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) 4-Disc DVD set
$55.00 + $6.25 U.S. shipping (USPS Priority Mail with Tracking #) = $61.25
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*If you instead desire the HD Blu-Ray Version of this film, please indicate as such in the “note to seller” when checking out via PayPal.
CANADIAN PURCHASERS: The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) 4-Disc DVD set
$55.00 + $19.95 shipping to CANADA via (USPS Priority Mail with Tracking #) = $74.95
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*If you instead desire the HD Blu-Ray Version of this film, please indicate as such in the “note to seller” when checking out via PayPal.
PURCHASERS IN THE UK, EUROPE, ASIA, & ALL OTHER COUNTRIES: The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (2012) 4-Disc DVD set
$55.00 + $24.95 shipping to the UK, EUROPE, ASIA, & ALL OTHER COUNTRIES via (USPS Priority Mail with Tracking #) = $79.95
[wp_cart:The Ultimate History Lesson 4-Disc DVD set (GLOBAL Shipping):price:$79.95:end]
*If you instead desire the HD Blu-Ray Version of this film, please indicate as such in the “note to seller” when checking out via PayPal.
Executive Producer(s): Members of the Tragedy and Hope online community
Produced by: Lisa Arbercheski, Richard Grove, Tony Myers and Rick Malchow
Directed by: Richard Grove
Cover Art by: Greg Hardesty
Runtime: 5-hours and 47min + Behind the Scenes Footage (4-DVDs or 1-Blu Ray disc)
Commentary and Analysis: Peace Revolution Episodes 041-045 (16+ Hours with almost 1,000 notes, references, books, and videos)
Sourced Transcript:
Bibliography and References:
Pre-Production Outline:
Viewing Options: Click the play button on the video embedded below, or click the following link to view the YouTube playlist of this video.
DVD Jacket: