Technocracy & Cybernetics: Richard Grove on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Author: Lisa Arbercheski•August 1, 2014
Tags:bitcoin, brzezinski, currency, cybernetics, declare, ernie, Freedomsphoenix, grove, hancock, Independence, regulation, richard, technocracy, your, Zbigniew
July 31, 2014: Ernest Hancock invited Richard Grove (Tragedy and Hope) on Declare Your Independence for a 2 hour discussion to provide his insight into cybernetics and technocracy. They discuss the surveillance state and how Zbigniew Brzezinski’s writings on the Soviet Union influenced the surveillance infrastructure that we currently enjoy here in America in the post-911 world; which is being further revealed today by whistle-blowers like Bill Binney and Thomas Drake. Richard describes his 2003 whistle-blowing experience and relates how Bitcoin fits into the history of international economics and globalism.
Hours 1 -3 Audio:
Hour 1: Ernest discusses Richard’s background and experience:
July 31, 2014: Ernest Hancock invited Richard Grove (Tragedy and Hope) on Declare Your Independence for a 2 hour discussion to provide his insight into cybernetics and technocracy. They discuss the surveillance state and how Zbigniew Brzezinski’s writings on the Soviet Union influenced the surveillance infrastructure that we currently enjoy here in America in the post-911 world; which is being further revealed today by whistle-blowers like Bill Binney and Thomas Drake. Richard describes his 2003 whistle-blowing experience and relates how Bitcoin fits into the history of international economics and globalism.
Hours 1 -3 Audio:
Hour 1: Ernest discusses Richard’s background and experience:
2014-07-31 Hour 1 Freedom’s Phoenix Headline News from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.
Hour 2: Richard joins Ernest on the show:
2014-07-31 Hour 2 Richard Grove from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.
Hour 3: Richard and Ernie continue discussion, plus some bonus after-show conversation:
2014-07-31 Hour 3 Richard Grove from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Porcfest 2014: Richard Grove, Ernie Hancock, Joby Weeks, Donna Hancock & Lisa Arbercheski
Notes & References:
Read any and all books from the following authors to get a good grasp and educate yourself in regards to what is really going on in the world…
Anthony C. Sutton
Carroll Quigley
Also, here are some good reads by Zbigniew Brzezinski…
Political Power USA/USSR **Russian Institute of War and the Institute of War and Peace
Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era
Books by H G Wells:
The New World Order – available on Amazon now
The Shape of Things to Come – available on Amazon now
H G Wells and the Case for Banning Killer Robots
Other good information:
The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control
At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US, says whistleblower William Binney – that’s a ‘totalitarian mentality’
William Binney is one of the highest-level whistleblowers to ever emerge from the NSA. He was a leading code-breaker against the Soviet Union during the Cold War but resigned soon after September 11, disgusted by Washington’s move towards mass surveillance.
On 5 July he spoke at a conference in London organised by the Centre for Investigative Journalism and revealed the extent of the surveillance programs unleashed by the Bush and Obama administrations.
“At least 80% of fibre-optic cables globally go via the US”, Binney said. “This is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores.”
Noteworthy Article:
Inclusive Capitalism Initiative is Trojan Horse to quell coming global revolt
Henry Jackson Society’s pre-emptive PR offensive seeks to popularise parasitic economic growth for the few
From The Guardian May 2014Yesterday’s
Conference on Inclusive Capitalism co-hosted by the City of London Corporation and EL Rothschild investment firm, brought together the people who control a third of the world’s liquid assets – the most powerful financial and business elites – to discuss the need for a more
socially responsible form of capitalism that benefits everyone, not just a wealthy minority.Leading financiers referred to statistics on rising global inequalities and the role of banks and corporations in marginalising the majority while accelerating systemic financial risk – vindicating the need for change.While the self-reflective recognition by global capitalism’s leaders that business-as-usual cannot continue is welcome, sadly the event represented less a meaningful shift of direction than a barely transparent effort to rehabilitate a parasitical economic system
on the brink of facing a global uprising.
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