Take Back Your Power
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Are corporations paving a perilous path…directly into our homes?
Utility companies are replacing electricity, gas and water meters worldwide with new generation “smart” meters at an unprecedented rate. Take Back Your Power investigates the benefits and risks of this ubiquitous “smart” grid program, with insight from insiders, expert researchers, politicians, doctors, and concerned communities. Transparency advocate Josh del Sol takes us on a journey of revelation and discovery, as he questions corporations’ right to tap our private information and erode our rights in the name of “green”. What you discover will surprise you, unsettle you, and inspire you to challenge the status quo.
“The smart grid is increasingly understood as an over engineered, ill-advised, financial boondoggle at taxpayer expense, capable of endangering the security of the entire national grid, violating constitutional privacy protections and endangering public health. In addition, the smart grid/metering has not been found to save energy when all the new variables in the system are factored in. Plus, time-of-use pricing is largely punitive to those who can least afford it. Time-of-use pricing is fundamentally a Wall Street model designed to maintain shareholder profits as we transition to more energy efficient models that will reduce demand.” — Berkshire-Litchfield Environmental Council
“What makes the government think they can usher us into a totalitarian state?” — Foster Gamble
Release Information: Take Back Your Power launched worldwide on September 5, 2013, and is available for viewing or purchase at the main page of our website, www.takebackyourpower.net.
About the Filmmaker:
Josh del Sol, Director and Producer of Take Back Your Power, is empassioned by the growing movement of awakening and transformation on our planet. He has a vision for a more coherent and balanced social structure, with foundational values which honour the sanctity of life and human rights. Josh is learning about what Gandhi called “Satyagraha” – which means literally “truth-power” or “truth-force” – and is inspired by those of courage who speak truth to power, from a place of non-violence and vision, and lay the foundation for solutions of a higher vibration to take root.
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