
We feel that it’s important to allow people to make informed decisions, and that’s why we make all of our productions available in a variety of forms, for FREE on the internet.


That being read, your purchase of a hard-copy version of any or all of our publications, helps promote Cognitive Liberty in a variety of ways:

1. You help yourself by having a library which consists of media which is educational and teaches self-reliance, critical thinking, and constructive communication skills.

2. You help us to remain independent, commercial-free, and allow us to continue to make our productions available for FREE to the public.

3. You help thousands of others, who cannot afford to support us financially, as they benefit from our ability to share freely; thanks to those who Subscribe, Donate, and Purchase.

4. You guard against internet censorship via acts like (SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, etc.) by ensuring that the educational media we produce will be available, even if the internet is not.

5. You are free to copy, share, and preserve our productions provided that you do not charge others, and share freely out of your sense of empathy for other human beings.

To Purchase Our Films: All films which are available for purchase are found on the T&H Films page, each film is listed along with its respective purchase information.

To Purchase Our Podcasts: All podcasts which are available for purchase are found on the T&H Podcasts page, as well as each podcast’s individual page listing.

To Donate, or Purchase a Monthly or Yearly Subscription to the Tragedy and Hope online community: You can use the PayPal buttons on the right-side navigation menu.