Project Constellation: A Message to the Future of America by Richard Grove (2006) Audio/mp3
Author: Richard Grove•May 31, 2006
Tags:11, 1922, 1941, 1970, 1973, 2001, 9-11, 911, act, aig, alex, andrew, bank, bear, bilderberg, brown, cartel, censorship, cfr, chess, cia, cognitive, collectivism, constellation, derren, deutch, deutsche, drugs, enron, false, fbi, flag, globalism, gold, google, greed, greenberg, grove, hank, heller, international, john, jpmorgan, killed, kroll, liberty, lynch, marsh, mclennan, meria, merrill, nsa, oil, oneill, oxley, patriot, paul, project, propaganda, revere, richard, sarbanes, sarbox, SEC, september, show, silverstream, software, sox, stearns, synchronicity, trilateral, tyco, who, wkjo, worldcom, wtc1, wtc7
T+H Podcasts
Richard Grove
Project Constellation: A Message to the Future of America by Richard Grove (2006) Audio/mp3
Project Constellation: A Message to the Future of America by Richard Grove (2006) Transcript (PDF)
Summary: A 2006 message to the Future of America, written by corporate whistleblower Richard Grove, before he began creating educational solutions; eventually resulting in Tragedy and Hope, and the aforementioned podcast curriculae to produce self-reliant adults. What may have sounded like conspiracy “theories” in 2006 (Data Mining, Spying on Citizens, Financial Frauds, NSA/Google, and Corporate Media partaking in the demolition of our civil liberties), proves today to be relevant and verifiable historical facts. This presentation was created specifically to communicate to media outlets, radio hosts, and others; who the author thought, at the time, might be able to “help” get the facts circulated. In fact, this presentation was not intended to be made publicly available; it was only after numerous failures and non-responses, that Meria Heller studied it and asked permission to publish it on Memorial Day 2006. If she had not been so bold, nothing you see here on Tragedy and Hope dot com would exist as it does today. Listen. Learn. Share. Thank you for tuning-in, and not dropping out!

Project Constellation: Connect the Dots,
See the Big Picture (2006)
May 31, 2006 Publication of Project Constellation (mp3)
Project Constellation: A Message to the Future of America by Richard Grove (2006) Transcript (PDF)
Summary: A 2006 message to the Future of America, written by corporate whistleblower Richard Grove, before he began creating educational solutions; eventually resulting in Tragedy and Hope, and the aforementioned podcast curriculae to produce self-reliant adults. What may have sounded like conspiracy “theories” in 2006 (Data Mining, Spying on Citizens, Financial Frauds, NSA/Google, and Corporate Media partaking in the demolition of our civil liberties), proves today to be relevant and verifiable historical facts. This presentation was created specifically to communicate to media outlets, radio hosts, and others; who the author thought, at the time, might be able to “help” get the facts circulated. In fact, this presentation was not intended to be made publicly available; it was only after numerous failures and non-responses, that Meria Heller studied it and asked permission to publish it on Memorial Day 2006. If she had not been so bold, nothing you see here on Tragedy and Hope dot com would exist as it does today. Listen. Learn. Share. Thank you for tuning-in, and not dropping out!

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This embedded player features the 5th Anniversary of Project Constellation as published in episode 031 of The Peace Revolution Podcast.