NSA’s PRISM: Welcome to 1984, Lee Camp’s Comedy, Rebel Inc. Rocks the Stage BTS 179

Author: Richard GroveJune 7, 2013
Tags:1984, abby, breaking, bts, camp, comedy, dictatorship, huxley, lee, martin, nsa, prism, revolution, rt, scientific, set, the, ultimate

Ever since our existence became public, everyone’s been so creative with their passwords! You’re all just so adorable

— PRISM US Gov (@PRISM_NSA) June 12, 2013

Abby Martin Breaks the Set on the State of Surveillance, Current Events with Lee Camp, and a Musical Performance by Rebel Inc. More from Lee Camp: http://leecamp.net/

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EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin breaks down the latest surveillance scandal by the National Security Agency, in which the servers of firms such as Google, Facebook, and Apple are subject constant government surveillance. Abby then talks to comedian, Lee Camp, about biggest news stories of the week, including NSA surveillance, Bradley Manning, Michelle Bachman’s last term in office. BTS wraps up the show with an exclusive performance and interview with Rebel Inc, a politically charged band based in Baltimore.

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