6 Officers Charged with Homicide in Death of Freddie Gray
Author: Lisa Arbercheski•May 1, 2015
Tags:Baltimore Police Officers, Baltimore Riots, CopWatch, Freddie Gray, Gilmore Homes, Marilyn Mosbyb, Moore Copwatch, Nonviolence, nonviolent protest, police officers arrested, Willie Rooks
“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.”Now is the time to come together, on common ground.
This is not the time to let ourselves become even further divided and conquered…
But rather, Now is the time to channel the anger, outrage, fury and fear into creative, conscious and constructive actions, that effect meaningful, positive and substantial change.
This is the time to “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Would you like to learn more?
Ben Swann Reports: http://benswann.com/breaking-six-officers-to-face-criminal-charges-over-death-of-freddie-gray/
Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom by Martin Luther King, Jr. May 04, 1966
Source: The Baltimore Times:
The six Baltimore police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray – who died last month after being injured in police custody – have been charged criminally, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced Friday.Mosby‘s announcement on the steps of the War Memorial Building was greeted with cheers and applause. Mosby said she told Gray’s family that “no one is above the law.”
Word traveled quickly of the charges against the officers. In West Baltimore, cars honked their horns. A man hanging out of a truck window pumped his fists and yelled; “Justice! Justice! Justice!”
At the corner where Gray was arrested, 53-year-old Willie Rooks held his hands up in peace signs and screamed, “Justice!”Meecah Tucker, 23, wearing a T-shirt that read, “I Bleed Baltimore,” said: “If it was one of us doing that against a police officer, it would be first-degree murder.”
In Gilmor Homes, the neighborhood where Gray lived, things were quiet Friday, with a police helicopter circling overhead. At the intersection of North Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue, the focus of rioting Monday and demonstrations all week, traffic moved through with many motorists honking their horns.
Warrants were issued for the arrest of all six officers. It wasn’t immediately clear where the officers were Friday morning. (click here to continue reading full article with links)
Moore (CopWatch member who filmed Gray’s arrest) has been arrested himself, despite having cooperated fully with police: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/the-man-who-filmed-freddie-gray-video-has-been-arrested-at-gunpoint-10217973.html

“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.”Now is the time to come together, on common ground.
This is not the time to let ourselves become even further divided and conquered…
But rather, Now is the time to channel the anger, outrage, fury and fear into creative, conscious and constructive actions, that effect meaningful, positive and substantial change.
This is the time to “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Would you like to learn more?
Ben Swann Reports: http://benswann.com/breaking-six-officers-to-face-criminal-charges-over-death-of-freddie-gray/
Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom by Martin Luther King, Jr. May 04, 1966
Source: The Baltimore Times:
The six Baltimore police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray – who died last month after being injured in police custody – have been charged criminally, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced Friday.Mosby‘s announcement on the steps of the War Memorial Building was greeted with cheers and applause. Mosby said she told Gray’s family that “no one is above the law.”
Word traveled quickly of the charges against the officers. In West Baltimore, cars honked their horns. A man hanging out of a truck window pumped his fists and yelled; “Justice! Justice! Justice!”
At the corner where Gray was arrested, 53-year-old Willie Rooks held his hands up in peace signs and screamed, “Justice!”Meecah Tucker, 23, wearing a T-shirt that read, “I Bleed Baltimore,” said: “If it was one of us doing that against a police officer, it would be first-degree murder.”
In Gilmor Homes, the neighborhood where Gray lived, things were quiet Friday, with a police helicopter circling overhead. At the intersection of North Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue, the focus of rioting Monday and demonstrations all week, traffic moved through with many motorists honking their horns.
Warrants were issued for the arrest of all six officers. It wasn’t immediately clear where the officers were Friday morning. (click here to continue reading full article with links)
Moore (CopWatch member who filmed Gray’s arrest) has been arrested himself, despite having cooperated fully with police: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/the-man-who-filmed-freddie-gray-video-has-been-arrested-at-gunpoint-10217973.html